黑镜是一部常拍常新的mini-series因为找到了一个终极命题:技术无法解决人的问题我们可以目睹所有天真地试图使用技术代替人类提供解决方案的悲惨下场在这一点上黑镜剧组对待技术的态度还是蛮悲观的这也许源于当下AI技术的火热激发出人类自身的不安全感有趣的很 USS Callister开门红戏剧张力非常到位;这一季技术梗与时俱进Hang the DJ——AlphaGO、Metalhead——Boston Dynamics' Robot各自对应人工智能技术应用中大脑与身体两部分前者在表达反思之余也自成一体完成了一个悲伤的故事叙事上略胜一筹
Wow... people really like this show... I'm not a big fan of having more white dudes who are assholes as the star of the show and some of the more juvenile humor is starting to get annoying but it's still pretty good! I like that they are doing crazy shits cuz they can as cartoon